Police and Civilian Krewe Challenge
October 19-20, 2018
The Grounds
(Greater Gulf State Fairgrounds)
1035 Cody Road North
Mobile, Alabama
First A Little Background:
In February of 2018, officers from surrounding law enforcement agencies united together and formed a non-profit organization geared at providing a continuous network of support, as well as financial crisis relief and educational scholarships for members of local law enforcement and their families that have experienced unforeseen hardships, directly related to line of duty incidents. The organization wanted to create fundraiser events that would provide a more cohesive relationship with the communities they served. The P.A.C.K. Challenge is designed so that law enforcement officers and the citizens will have an opportunity to compete together and win together. The Family of the Fallen is recognized as a 501 (c) (3) organization. The money raised from the competition goes to support the families of fallen officers.
The Family of the Fallen is proud to host the first Police and Civilian Krewe Challenge. This year’s competition will take place October 19-20, 2018. The practice date will be Friday, October 19th, with the main competition day being Saturday, October 20, 2018. The spacious location chosen this year thanks to the Greater Gulf State Fairgrounds, located at 1035 Cody Road North, Mobile, Alabama.
This competition allows civilian and police riders to compete on the same courses, helping to promote rider training amongst civilian motorcycle enthusiasts.
The two-day event brings together officers from across the region and state to take part in valuable training to keep them safe while performing their normal duties. The competition allows the officers to have fun while showing off their riding skills in front of spectators and having an opportunity to interact with civilians riders and the public in a non-enforcement role.
Through entry fees, civilian donations made at the event, and our sponsors, we are able to make a sizeable contribution towards the mission of the Families of the Fallen Organization.
Hosted by the Family of the Fallen
Rider Categories:
1) Law Enforcement
2) Civilians
3) Other First Responders
Law Enforcement Eligibility:
The competition is open to all law enforcement officers who are currently certified to operate a police motorcycle and are assigned to a full or part time motor unit within their respective department. Participating officers are allowed to compete in one of the following classes.
Rider Divisions:
Novice – Any rider who has competed in 3 or less motorcycle competitions or has never placed individually in the top 3.
Intermediate - Any rider that has competed in 4 or more motorcycle competitions and has never placed individually in the top 3.
Expert – Any rider who has competed and placed individually in the top3.
***Any rider can choose to ride in the Expert division, but can’t go back down once they have chosen to move up.***
Motor Officer Category Motorcycle Requirements:
Officers must compete on a police motorcycle of at least 998 cc’s that is equipped with standard equipment for normal police duty. No modifications or removal of standard equipment will be allowed. This includes removal of lights, reflectors, saddle bags, engine guards, radio boxes, etc.
Other First Responder Eligibility:
The competition is open to all law enforcement officers who are reserves, retired, or not currently assigned to a full time motor unit within their respective departments. Firefighters and Medical First Responders are also eligible. Participation in this category can be on a department or personal motorcycle which must be supplied by the rider. It should be taken into account prior to registration that training and competition will be on the same courses used by the Motor Officer Category.
Civilian Eligibility:
The competition is open to civilian riders. Be aware that civilians will be competing on the same courses as the police riders. No modifications to the course will be made. All competitors must present a valid driver license at time of check in at event. All riders must also provide their own motorcycle.
(Please be advised that ALL Divisions are more demanding than MSF ERC standards). If a rider holds the title of Instructor for Motorcycle Training, that rider MUST ride in the Expert Division.
Clothing and Conduct:
Riders must dress appropriately. Boots, helmets, gloves, and eye protection must be worn at all times during practice and competition. Standard duty uniform must be worn on Saturday. All riders shall act in a professional manner. Inappropriate behavior could result in disqualification from the competition.
Rules Committee:
A Rules Committee will be established to settle all disputes that may arise during the competition that cannot be settled at the judges level. The Rules Committee will be comprised of three members, consisting of law enforcement and civilians. Each member has a vote and majority vote rules. A representative from the affected agency may be involved in any discussion leading up to a vote, but may not cast a vote to resolve the dispute. All decisions of the Rules Committee are final.
Sign In:
-All competitors must have a completed registration and signed waiver form prior to competing.
-Each rider will be given a rider number which must be displayed on the rider's motorcycle.
-Each rider will also be supplied with a packet which will include an itinerary of all events, rules sheet, and information pertaining to evening events.
-This will also be the time for riders to register for individual and team events.
-Rub/ Touching a cone: one (1) seconds
-Knocking down or moving a cone: three (3) seconds
-Put foot down: five (5) seconds
This includes placing right foot down, failing to stop prior to end of stop box, dropping motorcycle, etc. **Left foot (only) down allowed**
-Bike down: (10) seconds
-Run out of pattern (Reenter at same location): fifteen (15) seconds
-Improper path/direction through pattern: fifteen (15) seconds
-Stop box violation: (5 seconds)
-Failed to complete course- Disqualify
Competition Events and Awards
During registration for events riders must register with members of the same rider divisions they are part of: Novice, Intermediate and Expert.
Best Overall Team Award
The two-member team will consist of one law enforcement or first responder and one civilian participant with the best overall placement in the competition.
A drawing will create two-member teams at random in the same riding level category. Teams will be announced following the riders meeting following registration.
-The scores from the two main courses will be used to decide the winner of the Best Overall Team Award. Each team member must compete in the two Main Competition courses.
-Awards provided for 1st Place for each rider level (Novice, Intermediate, and Expert)
Competition Courses
-Main Competition:
The main competition will consist of one run on Course A and Course B. Best overall time wins. If time allows, riders may be given two runs through the course. Under those circumstances, the times from the two best runs will be combined for the overall score.
-Awards provided 1st- 3rd for each rider level (Novice, Intermediate, and Expert)
-Individual Slow Ride Course:
Competing riders will negotiate the designed course in the slowest time. This course is the same for all divisions. Slowest time wins.
+ Each rider will receive one free run and will be allowed to buy additional runs for $5 per run, with proceeds benefitting our charity.
-Awards for 1st through 3rd place
-Challenge Ride:
Competing riders will negotiate the designed course to test flexibility and adaptability. This course is the same for all divisions. Best time wins.
-Awards for 1st through 3rd place
+ Each rider will receive one free run and will be allowed to buy additional runs for $5 per run, with proceeds benefitting our charity.